Endpoint docs for GS backend
The backend for the Ground Station code is a Flask server written in Python. Run main.py to start the server.
GET - HTTP GET request
POST - HTTP POST request
Documenting format:
Description of general purpose
Description of how backend uses it
Description of how frontend uses it
Endpoints for communicating with the pixhawk
Current telemetry in a dictionary
Backend requests pixhawk for telemetry
Frontend GETs the data and displays it on the Quick subtab in the Flight Data tab
All pixhawk related data in a dictionary
Backend requests pixhawk for data
Frontend GETs the data and displays it on the All subtab in the Flight Data tab
Dictionary of actions to be uploaded to the pixhawk via pymavlink
Backend will receive actions and send them to the pixhawk
Frontend will POST the data based on buttons that user clicks
The only direct contact between the interop server and our entire ground station is through the backend server. Therefore, all actions concerning interop must go through the following endpoints
Logging into interop
Sending a GET to this endpoint will force the interop server to retry login if not already logged in. Also returns the login status.
Returns the requested data (which is the variable key)
Current list of requestable data: mission id, waypoints list, obstacles data, teams list, search grid boundary, ugv drive / drop locations, off-axis / emergent odlc locations, and RTL location for lost comms
Backend POSTs the requested data to the endpoint
Frontend requests the data and uses it for stuff
Live telemetry data of the plane that is being submitted to interop
Backend POSTs live telemetry data every time it submits to interop
Someone on the frontend can open up the endpoint in their browser and monitor the live updates
Accessing ODLC data
Backend will query interop for an ODLC submission with the provided id, then return it
Frontend will GET the endpoint with parameters id and datatype to display on a client computer screen
Returns an image, represented as bytes in .png encoding
The <num> variable is the image number in the stream of images coming from the Jetson
Returns the highest number image that has been received from the Jetson
Returns a list of dicts, and each dict has 2 objects: an image and a characterization
The image is represented as bytes in .png encoding
The interop data of an image includes its thing, thing, and thing
Returns all the individual images used for the map stitching algorithms
Not used by frontend by default, but could be useful if we wanna view the individual images
Returns the stitched map