Last updated 3/24/2021
Select the Target Body (body which has the action performed on it), then select all the tool bodies.
Join - Joins bodies into one large body as long as they are touching.
Cut - Cuts tool bodies out of the target body (especially useful when combined with Offset Face because you can make perfectly contoured holes in objects, similar to a mold).
Intersect - Keeps only the intersection of the target body and the tool bodies (useful for making wing ribs because you can first Sweep the wing shape, then Rectangle Pattern a series of rectangular prisms down its length, and finally Intersect the sweep with the prisms to get the ribs).
"Keep tools" allows your tool bodies to remain, otherwise they get merged or deleted in the Combine tool.
Using a plane, face, or profile (mostly planes) it splits a body into two pieces along that plane. This is very useful for cutting large objects into smaller pieces, such as cutting an aileron from the wing.
Making planes and axes is a must have skill for any person doing CAD. Although this menu's tools are self-explanatory, people don't know when or how to use its tools in creative ways. This, however, cannot be taught through this documentation and only is learnt through practice. See Smart CAD Tutorial (making a file) for a slight lesson on this.